Accessing MySQL on VB.NET using MySQL Connector/Net, Part 2: Setup MySQL Server

This entry is part 2 of 8 in the series Accessing MySQL on VB.NET

In this post, I’ll show how to setup MySQL Server on a database PC.

Step-by-step to setup MySQL Server

  1. Download MySQL 5.1.30 Community Edition from
  2. Double-click the setup file mysql-essential-5.1.30-win32.msi. Click Next.
    Setup MySQL Server - MySQL Server Installation
  3. On Setup Type, select Typical. Click Next.
    Setup Type - Typical
  4. On Ready to Install the Program, click Install.
    Install MySQL Server
  5. On Wizard Completed, check Configure the MySQL Server Now and click Finish.
    Finishes MySQL Server Installation
  6. On MySQL Configuration Wizard, click Next.
    Configure MySQL Server
  7. On MySQL Server Instance Configuration, select Standard Configuration.
    Note: If you want to develop in a single PC environment, you can select Detailed Configuration instead and choose Developer Machine so MySQL Server won’t consume too much resource on the PC.
    Standard Configuration
  8. On MySQL Server Instance Configuration, verify that all check boxes are checked on this page and click Next. The first and second (Install As Windows Service and Launch the MySQL Server automatically) check boxes configure MySQL as a Windows service so that you don’t have to login to the PC and start MySQL Server manually, it’ll start when the PC is on automatically.
    Install MySQL As Windows Service
  9. On MySQL Server Instance Configuration, check only the upper check box Modify Security Settings and enter the root password. The root user is the default user on MySQL who has all privileges on the MySQL Server. In this example, I set the root’s password to “password”. Click Next.
    Note: This is just an example, you should set password more complexity than this.
    Set Root's Password
  10. On MySQL Server Instance Configuration, click Execute to start the configuration.
    Execute MySQL Server Configuration
  11. When the configuration is done, click Finish to complete install and configure MySQL Server.
    Finishes Configure MySQL Server
Series Navigation<< Accessing MySQL on VB.NET using MySQL Connector/Net, Part 1: IntroductionAccessing MySQL on VB.NET using MySQL Connector/Net, Part 3: Install Sample Database >>


  1. Annela Avva September 6, 2024
  2. Annela Avva September 26, 2024
  3. johnymillar October 10, 2024

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